Quality Legend: |
Blue |
Excellent with quality greater than 80. |
Green |
Good with quality between 60 and 80. |
Neutral |
Average or below average with quality between 20 and 60. |
Red |
Poor with quality less than 20. |
Companies with less than 10 years of history are penalized by 5 points per year. |
PAR Legend: |
Green |
PAR is within the target range of MIPAR +5-10%, currently 5.1%-10.1% |
Yellow |
PAR is above the target range of MIPAR +10%, currently 10.1% |
Projected Annual Return |
The Manifest Investing Median PAR of all stocks in the database. |
Company Name Legend: |
* |
Not covered by Value Line Standard Edition. |
b |
Uses price-to-book value for valuation purposes. |
P/CF |
Uses price-to-cash flow for valuation. |